Operators, Function
arithmetic operators+ , - , * , / , % (modulo)
wrap upperappend to upperExplanation
( )1 / (x)inverse of a number, x, = 1 / (x)
( )abs(x)absolute of a number, x
( )sin(rad)sine of a number, rad (radian) (-1~1)
( )cos(rad)cosine of a number, rad (radian) (-1~1)
( )tan(rad)tangent of a number, rad (radian) (-∞~∞)
( )asin(x)arc sine (-π/2~π/2)
( )acos(x)arc cosine (0~π)
( )atan(x)arc tangent (-π/2~π/2)
( ,)atan2(y, x)arc tangent of y/x (-π~π)
PIthe circular constant, π = 3.141592653589793
( )sin(deg * PI / 180)sine of a number, deg (degree) (-1~1)
( )cos(deg * PI / 180)cosine of a number, deg (degree) (-1~1)
( )tan(deg * PI / 180)tangent of a number, deg (degree) (-∞~∞)
( )asin(x) * 180 / PIarc sine (degree)(-90~90)
( )acos(x) * 180 / PIarc cosine (degree)(0~180)
( )atan(x) * 180 / PIarc tangent (degree)(-90~90)
( , )atan2(y, x) * 180 / PIarc tangent of y/x (degree)(-180~180)
( )sqrt(x)square root of a number x = √(x)
SQRT2sqrt(2) = 1.4142135623730951
SQRT1_21 / sqrt(2) = 0.7071067811865475
( ,)pow(x, y) = x y, A floating point number is available like 1.674927471E-27, 1.7588201e11
( ,)pow(x, 1 / 3)= n√(x) = x 1/n
Ebase of natural logarithm, e = 2.718281828459045
( )exp(x) = e x
( )log(x)= log e x
LN2log e 2 = 0.6931471805599453
( )log(x) / LN2= log 2 x
LN10log e 10 = 2.302585092994046
( )log(x) / LN10= log 10 x
LOG2Elog 2 e = 1.4426950408889634
LOG10Elog 10 e = 0.43429448190325176
( )ceil(x)ceil a number, x, 2.5 to 3, -2.5 to -2.
( )floor(x)floor a number, x, 2.5 to 2, -2.5 to -3.
( )round(x)round a number, x, 2.6 to 3, -2.6 to -3.
random()show a random real number from 0 to 1 (but, not equal 1)
floor(random() * 100)show a random integer number from 0 to 99
( ,)max(x, y, ...)maximum of x, y,...
( ,)min(x, y, ...)mimimum of x, y,...
( ,)gcd(a, b)G.C.M. of a, b
( ,)lcm(a, b)L.C.M. of a, b
( ,)reduction(a, b)reduction a fraction number, a/b
( ,)addFraction(na, da, nb, db)add fraction numbers, na/da + nb/db
( ,)subFraction(na, da, nb, db)substruct fraction numbers, na/da - nb/db
( ,)mulFraction(na, da, nb, db)multiply fraction numbers, na/da × nb/db
( ,)divFraction(na, da, nb, db)divide fraction numbers, na/da ÷ nb/db
( )isPrime(a)is the number, a, is a prime?
( )primeFactors(a)Prime factorization
( )factorial(n) the factorial of n.
( ,)B_C(n, r) the binomial coefficient. (nr)
( ,)sums(a, b, c, ...)get sum, average, variance, standardScores, etc of a, b, c, ...
( ,)
( ,)
( ,)
parseInt('77', 8)
parse integer string with radix, 16, 8, 2.
( )
( )
( )
( ).toString(16)
( ).toString(8)
( ).toString(2)
format a number X to (2-36) radix
Date calculations(Ex.) the number of days from "Jan 18 2014"
ceil((new Date().getTime() - Date.parse('Jan 18 2014'))/(24 * 3600 * 1000))
(Ex.)Know past day. (new Date("Dec 31, 1959")).toString();
(Ex.)Is there Feb 29? (new Date("Feb 29, 2015")).toString();
other operators== (equal), != (not equal),
(Ex.) var p = 0; p + 4 == 1 + 3;
<, <= , > , >= (comparison),
===, !== (equal OR not equal with number and text)
&& (logical AND), || (logical OR), ! (logical not),
&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>, >>> (32bit:AND, OR, XOR, NOT, shift to left, shift to right with a sign bit, shift to right without a sign bit) exp1 ? exp2 : exp3 (contition)
exp1, exp2 (comma)
variable operators(Ex.) var p = 0; ++p;
var (declare a variable)
= (assign value of an expression) ; (the end of an expression) [unary operators] ++ , --
[assignment operators] =, +=, -=, *= /= %= &= |= ^= ^= <<= >>= >>>=
CUClear the upper area
D,Remove the comma every 3 digits in the numbers in the upper area
TXJapan Tax( * 1.1)
=Copy from the up to the low and calculate
CLClear a line in the lower area
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