The essence of the teachings of the Buddha

Happiness, Goodness, Life

(1)Better Goodness make more people happy.
(2)Sharing joy becomes doubled,
Sharing grief becomes half.
(3)Each person's life may be different.

Religious Merit

(1)Noble Eightfold Paths help you
do Good deed without suffering
(2)Doing Good deed makes people joy,
then you are happy

four Buddhist virtues, Brahmavihara

(1)Kindnessgive people Joy and Fun (2)Compassionerase Suffering of people by sympathy
(3)EmpatheticRejoice together the joy of people (4)Equanimitycontribute to people calmly

Noble Eight rght Paths

How to enlighten.
(1)viewLooking at everything as they really are.
(2)emotionJoy, fun, thanks, sympathy, comfort
(3)speechTalk honestly with kind words
(4)actionProfession for the welfare of the people
(5)lifeHealth-full, Love-full to people, family, wife, husband and oneself
(6)effortFair play forward to higher targets
(7)mindfulnessOccupy one's mind with the work to do now
(8)relaxationAlways calm serene mood

Contribute without money

Anyone can do it.
(1)BodyHelp troubled people
(2)Heartgive Joy and Fun, erase Suffering of people
(3)EyeAlways friendly eyes
(4)FaceAlways gentle smile
(5)TalkWarm words of sympathy
(6)Yieldgive way to vulnerables and esteemed
(7)Welcometreat and hospitality to person

Ten bad sins

We should avoid them.
(1)KillingKill human, Recklessly kill creatures
(2)ThiefThief, unfairness
(3)Bad sexAffair, suffering wife, husband and family
(4)LieLie, Fool, Concealment of bad
(5)Duplicitybe double‐tongued
(6)AbuseFoul language, abusive person, backbiting
(7)TwaddleExcessive talk, cheap flattery
(8)Greedgreed, obsession, jealousy
(9)AngerAnger, fear, bitterness, hatred, bullying
(10)Wrong viewstupid mistake, superstition

four and eight sufferings

We want to escape them, but can't.
(1)BirthBeginning of pleasure and pain
(3)DiseaseIllness or injury
(5)SeparationSeparation of lovers
(6)GrudgeResentment, Anger, bitterness, hatred, jealousy
(7)Can't getcan't obtain requested things
(8)survival instinctsHunger and thirst, others

page top by Room to study happiness(Only Japanese)


(更新日: 2020年10月19日)