やる勉 大学入学共通テスト英語(R04)Reading/10

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 Read English and answer questions

B You are in a student group preparing a poster for a scientific presentation contest with the theme "What we should know in order to protect the environment." You have been using the following passage to create the poster.

Recycling Plastic
- What You Need to Know -

The world is full of various types of plastic. Look around, and you will see dozens of plastic items. Look closer and you will notice a recycling symbol on them. In Japan, you might have seen the first symbol in F

(1) PTE(PET) (2) HDPE (3) PVC (4) LDPE(5) PP (6) PS (7) OTHER

(2) HDPE
(3) PVC
1. Under the first poster heading, your group wants to introduce the plastic recycling symbols as explained in the passage. Which of the following is the most appropriate? [44]
 正解 They provide information on the chemical make-up and recycling options of the plastic.
 誤答(They are symbols that rank the recyclability of plastics and other related problems.)
 誤答(They tell the user which standards organization gave them certificates for general use.)

 誤答(They were introduced by ASTM and developed by the Society of the Plastics Industry.)


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