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JenniferESL Lesson 11a - CAN/ CAN'T - English Pronunciation
(以下は、 Jennifer 動画の概要です。)
can と can't を聞き分ける練習をします。
(私(日本人50代男性)ですが、can と can't の聞き分けは難しいと感じます。)
冒頭の小話を自分で dictationしてみましょう。
can't は、 can not の短縮形で発音記号は、[Kænt]です。
つまり長く強く[æ] を発音します。
[t]で喉をぎゅっと絞り、空気の流れを止めます。Jenniferは、音[t]を cut off と言ってます。
この発音方法をglottal stop といいます。
JenniferESL Lesson 11b - CAN/ CAN'T - English Pronunciation
(以下は、 Jennifer 動画の概要です。)
こんどは、 can の発音です。
can の発音方法には二通りあります。
- 強勢(STRESS)付き can - [Kæn]
文の最後(final position)または休止(pause)の前で 強勢(STRESS)付き can で発音します。
if you can, call me.
I think I can.
I can come. Who said I can't?
- 強勢(STRESS)無し can - [Kɛn],[KIn]
can の 後ろに単語が続く場合、強勢(STRESS)無し can で発音します。
Can you come?
She can see well.
[Kɛn] men "e"
[KIn] pin の "i"
Oh! That, I'll bet you didn't know,
that I can't see very well with out contacts or glasses.
It's true.
I have very poor vision.
I were 'm what they called nearsighted.
That means I can see clearly when things atre very close.
But I can't see things at a distance.
Other people are farsighted.
They can see at a distance.
But they can't see clearly when objects are closed.
For example, they can't read without glasses.
In my case, hopefully, everything's will changinge in two days.
Because I'm going to have eye surgery.
The technology, these days, is pretty good.
Because they can correct my vision in about 50 minutes with a laser.
I'm a little nerveous.
But I can hardly wait for the results.
So, wish, relax me luck.