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OpenSSL generate multi cert

Generate many user certificates

OpenSSL Documents

the size of the key to generate in bits
Country Name (2 letter code) [ex. GB]
State or Province Name (full name)
Locality Name (eg, city)
Organization Name (eg, company)
many user's information* User information deals with one user by the line.
The line delimits by the comma and describes a organizational unit name, a common name, and the mail address.
The comma(,) and the quotation mark(") cannot be used for a organizational unit name(empty is acceptable), a common name, and the mail address.
It is possible to describe it up to 100 users at a time. It becomes for a fee more than 101 users.
CA's private key* PEM format data is lines from '-----BEGIN' to '-----END'.
CA's certificate* PEM format data is lines from '-----BEGIN' to '-----END'.

Generate many user certificates

KOSHIRYOKU Laboratory Ltd.