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OpenSSL on WEB

OpenSSL Documents

OpenSSL rand generate pseudo-random bytes(Let's use it for safe password generation. )
OpenSSL genrsa generate an RSA private key
OpenSSL req ca Self signed root CA's certificate generating
OpenSSL req csr PKCS#10 certificate request(CSR) generating
OpenSSL sign cert Sign a certificate request(CSR) using the CA certificate and add user certificate extensions
OpenSSL generate multi cert Generate many user certificates
OpenSSL view pem View the content of the PEM form.
OpenSSL enc -aes-256-cbc -base64 Encryption and decryption by AES 256bit with CBC mode.
AES-256-CBC example for PHP AES-256-CBC Authenticated Encryption example for PHP 5.6+

In "OpenSSL on WEB", OpenSSL that the usage is difficult is easily made available through WEB.
Please use it to issue the CA certificate of an in-house usage and the certificate for the member in in the enterprise and the group.

About handling individual information and a private key
Input information is temporarily kept in the work file as data of the PEM form.
But, when the result responds to a browser, the work file is deleted at once.
Therefore, individual information, the mail address etc. is not collected in this "OpenSSL on WEB".
The automatic generation function is provided about a private key in this server.
These are temporarily kept in the work file as data of the PEM form.
But, when the result responds to a browser, the work file is deleted at once.

KOSHIRYOKU Laboratory Ltd.