leak [名詞]漏れ穴,秘密漏洩,漏電[動詞]漏る、~を漏らす
In the other bag, before packing food items, pack household cleaners and personal cleaning items, like mouthwash and shampoo, in separate small bags, so they don't leak into the food.In the other bag, before packing food items, pack household cleaners and personal cleaning items, like mouthwash and shampoo, in separate small bags, so they don't leak into the food. 他の袋に、食品の小物を袋詰めする前に、家庭用洗剤を詰めます、さらに、パーソナル・クリーニングの小物ダヨ、マウスウォッシュのようなダヨ、それとシャンプーダヨ、別の小さな袋にダヨ、そうすれば、それらは、漏れない、食べ物の中にはダヨ。
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