yaruben  例文単語検索
単語 / 熟語
(例文検索の使い方) 単語や熟語を指定します、例えば、 hello, get, a lot of, put % on
1-C. (4) Visit the museums.  


2-C. (4) Visit several countries.  


3-C. Question No. 24.  


4-C. (4) Travel around Europe by plane.  


5-C. (4) She gained confidence about going abroad.  


6-C. (4) He was a professional golfer in Japan.  


7-C. (4) She had reserved her ticket to the US.  


8-C. (4) The mother will go to two feedings.  


9-C. (4) Sea lion show.  


10-C. (4) 60 minutes.  


11-C. (4) Visit the museums.  


12-C. (4) Visit several countries.  


13-C. (4) He was a professional golfer in Japan.  


14-C. (4) She had reserved her ticket to the US.  


15-C. (4) The mother will go to two feedings.  


16-C. (4) Sea lion show.  


17-C. (4) 60 minutes.  


18-C. 14:15 Giraffes  

14時15分 キリン  

19-C. (4) She wore out the sweater in just two years.  


20-C. (4) Nancy is returning to England.  


21-C. (4) She gained confidence about going abroad.  


22-C. (4) The mother will go to two feedings.  


23-C. (4) Nancy is returning to England.  


24-C. (4) Reading stimulates areas linked to senses  


25-C. (4) There are limits to reading literature.  


26-C. (4) Because he was walking with his wife and friends.  


27-C. (4) Because he was dedicated to spending time in nature.  


28-C. (4) A group rents the swimming pool with early booking, and it rains on the day of use.  


29-C. (4) sending an email to the office.  


30-C. (4) It is to report on the current situation regarding non-motorized transportation use.  


31-C. (4) She gained confidence about going abroad.  


32-C. (4) She had reserved her ticket to the US.  


33-C. (4) The mother will go to two feedings.  


34-C. (4) We need 30 slides.  


35-C. According to paragraph (4) , how is the brain affected by fictional characters?  


36-C. (4) Reading stimulates areas linked to senses  


37-C. (4) He walked in the wild and cooked by himself.  


38-C. (4) softly touched  


39-C. (4) Because he was dedicated to spending time in nature.  


40-C. (4) Strategies to promote motorized transportation use.  


文番号の次の -C は、センター試験の英語問題に出た文であることを示します。
icon 株式会社好試力研究所