Ancient [形容詞]古代の,大昔の 4-C.
In addition, you can take advantage of modern hotels and restaurants, and at the same time, see Cuzco's fascinating history preserved in its architecture, language, and ancient treasures.In addition, you can take advantage of modern hotels and restaurants, and at the same time, see Cuzco's fascinating history preserved in its architecture, language, and ancient treasures. さらに、あなたは、利用することができる、現代のホテルをダヨ、さらに、レストランをダヨ、その上、同時に、クスコの魅力的な歴史に出会えます、保存が行き届いたダヨ、その建築物のダヨ、言語、さらに、古代の宝物ダヨ。
The ancient Romans identified five of them, naming them after some of their gods: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn.The ancient Romans identified five of them, naming them after some of their gods: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. 古代ローマ人は、5個を識別しました、それらのダヨ、それらを命名してます、いくつかに従ってダヨ、彼らの神のダヨ:木星、火星、水星、金星、そして土星。
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